In depth analysis of the alleged miracles of the Eucharist
Catholicism has alleged that there are physical miracles involving the Eucharist. It is claimed that hosts have multiplied, fail to decay and even physically changed into the body and blood of Jesus.
The most famed miracle is the dubious Lanciano one. The bread turned flesh and the wine turned blood are still with us today. Except they doesn't seem to be much miraculous about them. The Church says Jesus cannot die again and yet here we have dead flesh and dead blood. The flesh is mummified and people forget that mummification is decay. Nobody is lining up to test the DNA and put it on myheritage.
Please visit Atheist Missionary on Lanciano:
The Catholic Church teaches that when the priest says the words of Jesus, "This
is my body," and "This is my blood" over bread and wine at Mass that they become
the body and blood of Jesus despite there being no detectable change. This is
called transubstantiation - one substance changing into another.
The Catholic Church takes advantage of the fact that we know there is more to
something than what we sense about it. The flower is more than just the colour
we see. The Church uses this perception to trick us into failing to see how
absurd transubstantiation is. The fact that there is more to the flower than the
things we can sense about it does not mean we have to consider the possibility
that it is actually a human being and not a flower.
If the alchemists had presented lead to us for sale saying it was really gold
though every test said it was lead what would we think? The doctrine of
transubstantiation opens the door to such bizarre claims. If you claim the right
to say bread is really a living breathing man then you can't complain if
somebody starts saying that his multivitamin is an antibiotic.
The Church rejects the notion that the substance of the bread and wine vanish
and are replaced with the substance of the body and blood of Jesus. It says the
substance of the bread and wine are turned into the substance of the body and
blood of Jesus. This really means that Jesus's substance is made from that of
the bread and wine.
The doctrine of the transformation is so odd that most Catholics if not all
struggle with it. There are reports of Jesus miraculously changing the bread
into his bleeding flesh. These reports are doubtful considering that no Catholic
miracles such as apparitions of Mary are credible. The evidence says that the
Church is not to be taken seriously.
Some of the stories of bread becoming flesh or bleeding or whatever, the stories
of the Eucharistic Miracles, are regarded as true. Most are not. And yet their
veneration is permitted.
The Church claims that the stories are true when there is no reasonable
explanation apart from the supernatural. There must be verification that the
flesh or blood is of human origin. Predictably, there is little concern for
proving all the flesh and blood out there came from one man - from Jesus!
The supernatural is not an explanation at all. If you have tried all the natural
explanations and none fits that does not mean that none of them really fits.
Maybe you made a mistake or have been told something wrong. And what if there is
a natural explanation you know nothing about? The absence of a natural
explanation does not prove that the only explanation is supernatural.
The supernatural is not enough. Religion imagines that the magical and the
supernatural are not the same thing. Sensible people believe they are for both
claim to be able to raise the dead,. Religion says the supernatural ultimately
comes from God. But suppose magic and the supernatural though alike are not the
same. Then most people in history have believed that magic can make the
impossible happen. Even if there is a God, an all-powerful God, what if magic
really exists? You may say it is impossible for it to exist for it is the
impossible happening. But somebody could say that they have seen the impossible
happening. The point is that you cannot know if the supernatural is magic or not
and if magic exists then it is able to contradict even God!
The errors and lies in the reasoning of those involved in "authenticating"
Eucharistic Miracles warns us off believing in them!