The Bible warns that only one being should be honoured as the source of love and justice, God.  That honour is not happening if your imagination or your wishes play too much of a role. You are really pleasing yourself.

The Bible God demands that spiritists and psychics be put to death for the sin of trying to dabble with the supernatural - that shows how serious God considers their sin to be. God's ban on mediums and fortune-tellers is given in the light of command to look only to his authorised prophets. So if you want hidden knowledge you have to hope that God is willing to give it to you. So the condemnation is not about looking for hidden knowledge as such but not in trusting God if he wants to give it to you or not. So if God is good and trustworthy looking for any information he is kept out of is necessarily but perhaps subtly evil. Science would then be condemned as much as mediums etc. In fact a person claiming to be channelling God would deserve more belief or credence than somebody who is giving a message about somebody else who has channelled God. There is no point in telling people to take their information from God if the information has to come second or third or whatever hand.

Hypocrisy is inherent in man-made religion in so far as it thinks it is not man-made!!

Pope Francis said in 2017 that it is better to be an atheist than a fake Catholic or in other words a person who is bad but pretends to be a good Catholic.  Notice how he is tacitly admitting an atheist can be well-meaning and sincere.  Nobody should trust a hypocrite. 

But don't forget that Catholicism teaches that belief is a supernatural and supernormal gift from God that enables one to believe all the Church teaches. Catholic faith must have Catholic content to be really a Catholic faith. If man is telling you your belief in his creed or religion is inspired from God in you and God is inspiring you to believe it that is another way of taking man's word for it that you have the word of God. It exalts man not God. A God who man speaks for is not a God at all.

The Church also claims to be a hospital for sinners - it means it has treatments that are of God not man. Thus if the religion is just man-made delusion and has no intrinsic power or unique power to help anybody be a better person then it is just quackery and should take responsibility for the terrible consequences. For example what about paedophile priests who find themselves abusing again after thinking they were helped by prayers and masses and sacraments? So it is simple - if the Church is purely of human origin then clearly it is hypocritical even if it does not intend to be or think it is. Being a hypocrite doesn’t always mean knowing you are one – hypocrites are exposed only by the evidence. The hospital claim is totally unconcerned about evidence which is a sure sign that it is about hearsay and listening to man.

List of ways you listen to men when you imagine it is God you listen to

+Listening to those who say they have God's word is listening to them not God. Even if God is speaking it is as good as no communication for there is no communication unless the messenger is verified.

+Listening to those who tell you the faith they give you can be believed by you if God supernaturally helps you and forms it in you is a form of taking man's word for God's word too.

+It is not up to men to tell you that treatments (eg sacraments) for the bad side of human nature work. It is up to the evidence.

The evidence is that most, or all if you like, who pass you the word of God are wrong and probably lying. The risk of following them is a sign that you don't care enough about any real God.

Even without the risk, you are still not trying to listen to God. Trusting in what men say is a sign of caring about what you want the truth to be. It is anti-truth and no real God of truth would praise you for it.

Thomas Paine

Let Thomas Paine have the last section.  "It is a contradiction in terms and ideas to call anything a revelation that comes to us at second hand, either verbally or in writing." In other words, it is a lie you tell yourself. He is talking about alleged revelations from God or supernatural beings. The huge majority of that material is unbelievable literally because it is full of tell tale signs of delusion such as one revelation disagreeing with another. A person getting a revelation from a person and then passing it on to you is different. It can be checked out better than supernatural revelation and is not really a revelation until it passes some tests. A revelation from a God has no tests and you are forced to take the prophet's word for it. That is not good enough in principle or in practice. It is selfish and lazy on your part to embrace what the person says.

Paine said that a cruel God makes a cruel man. Why would that be? The man may want to feel safe in the arms of God as he wages cruelty. He is so sure this God will not turn on him. That is remarkable faith! The man may want to feel inspired by this God who is like him. Or the man may not understand good and think that cruelty is good. The trouble is that if a man can do that and should be understood for it then we have no way of knowing if our beliefs about good are valid. It calls moral sense opinion. There are mystics who argue that both good and evil are part of God and that we will merge with God and find salvation in being both. They find some kind of meaning in the evil. All these theories assume the evil person is projecting the wish to harm others that is inside them unto a God to try and make it sacred.

The religious doctrine that God is bigger than our mistakes and sins gives the cruel man the assurance that if he is defying God it will not matter in the end.  God's mercy will save him.  This is very likely to be how he thinks if he is waging the evil and cruelty in the name of God.  Moses was an example of somebody who did that.  So here we have a God who is not cruel?  A God who is just a soft-touch?  Well it is cruel for God to make a person feel safe about doing evil so we still have a cruel God.  This version is worse than the obviously cruel God.  It is more subtle and toxic.

There is a bad streak in a person who will not do cruel things but who imagines a God who will do the cruel things for her or him.  It is cruel too in an almost sweeter way to imagine that you can do some good and God will build on it to do most of the work.  Religion teaches that God prompts you to help and he carries you as you help so it is really him.  This psychologically is no better than the person who walks by the starving holding that despite appearances, God is working wonderfully and does not need paltry human input.  It is disgusting.  

You cannot meet God for coffee so your own mind is filling in the blanks of what he is like.  So God hating those you hate, not caring about those who you feel nothing for, loving those you love is a projection.  You may hate nobody but it remains true that your  It is about you putting your ideas out there and imagining they are validated by a God.  The God is in your image.


Whether your idea of God is good or bad, the doctrine that God is to be the ultimate concern, means that a person will have no right to ask others to assume that the God they have is not about their needs and desires both obvious and hidden.  That would be making the person's perception matter rather than God.  Nobody's perception is God.

Lourdes etc
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