It is assumed that the Turin Shroud was forged and is about appearing to be the cloth Jesus was actually buried in. What if the artist intended to create a miracle picture? There were paintings going about at the time supposedly done by Jesus or Mary. This artist did not mind if there were oddities. For example, the blood is very picturelike and is clearly not real blood. The face image is clearest as you would expect. And the hair is hanging down when the man was supposedly lying down. The oddities are okay if it is just artwork but not if it is to pass for the real Shroud. It is very consistent with an attempt to make it appear that Jesus himself made the image. Also the artist never knew that photography would come and that the errors would then be obvious. A vague image covers a load of mistakes.
By the way, the argument that it is a photographic negative makes us ask if God was trying to make one and got it wrong? The image is not a photographic negative.
Is the Shroud a forgery of a miracle picture rather than an attempted forgery of Jesus' winding sheet?
Let us look at the problems with saying it could be the real burial cloth.
Here is a source on the subject. It is from sillybeliefs.com.
Question: Why do you believe the Shroud is not the burial cloth of Jesus Christ?
First I will briefly list the evidence against the shroud's authenticity, then I will provide the popular arguments that shroud proponents use, with a brief reason why I believe they fail.
Strong evidence against the authenticity of the shroud:
• Respected, trusted and very reliable scientific carbon dating has placed the
shroud's origin around the 14th century, specifically between 1260 and 1390 CE.
• The provenance or history of the shroud can only be traced back to the 14th
century. The earliest written record of the shroud is a Catholic bishop's report
to Pope Clement VII, dated 1389, stating that it originated as part of a
faith-healing scheme, and that a predecessor had "discovered the fraud and how
the said cloth had been cunningly painted, the truth being attested by the
artist who had painted it". In 1390, Pope Clement VII declared that it was not
the true shroud.
• The Bible gives clear details of Jesus' burial cloth — linen strips and a
separate cloth for the head — that clearly conflicts with the shroud, which is
one large rectangular piece.
[Jn 19:40, Jn ~7, Lk 24:12]
• The Bible described 75 to 100 pounds of spices being wrapped in the burial
cloth. No traces of spices have been found on the shroud. [Jn 19:40]
• The Bible quotes Jesus as saying there are nail holes in his hands from the
crucifixion. By contrast the shroud image has no wounds in his hands but one in
his wrist. [Jn 20:24-27]
• No examples of the shroud linen's complex herringbone twill weave date from
the first century. However the weave was used in Europe in the Middle Ages,
coincidentally when the shroud first appeared.
• The clear implication of all three synoptic gospels is that the material was
bound tightly round the body, yet the Shroud of Turin shows an image made by
simply lying a linen shroud on top of the front of the body, over the head and
down the back. There is a lack of wrap-around distortions that would be expected
if the cloth had enclosed an actual three-dimensional object like a human body.
Thus the cloth was never used to wrap a body as described in the Bible. If the
image had been formed when the cloth was around Jesus' corpse it would have been
distorted when the cloth was flattened out.
• There are serious anatomical problems with the image, such as the height of
the body, length of limbs, ears missing, front and back images not matching,
hair hanging the wrong way etc. (More details further in the article.)
• There is no blood on the shroud: all the forensic tests specific for blood,
and only blood, have failed. There is no trace of sodium, chlorine or potassium,
which blood contains in high amounts and which would have been present if the
stains were truly blood. The alleged bloodstains are unnaturally picture-like.
Real blood spreads in cloth and mats on hair, and does not form perfect rivulets
and spiral flows. Also, dried "blood" (as on the arms) has been implausibly
transferred to the cloth. The alleged blood remains bright red, unlike genuine
blood that blackens with age. All the wounds, made at different times according
to the Gospel accounts, appear as if still bleeding, even though blood does not
flow after death. A corpse does not bleed.
• The Bible [John 19:40] indicates that Jesus' burial followed Jewish customs.
Thus, Joseph of Arimethea would have washed the body. Since he had time to wrap
in the spices, he would have had time to wash it. The body shown in the shroud
was not washed.
• Microscopic analysis shows significant traces of what could be paint pigment on image areas.
Circumstantial evidence against the authenticity of the shroud:
• The shroud surfaced in France exactly at the height of the 'holy relic' craze.
Not one such relic has ever been proved to be genuine, and the faking of relics
was rife at this time. There were at least between 26 and 40 'authentic' burial
shrouds scattered throughout the abbeys of Europe, of which the Shroud of Turin
was just one. One source writes that 'In medieval Europe alone, there were "at
least forty-three 'True Shrouds"' (Humber 1978, 78)'.
• There is no mention of a miraculously imaged Shroud in the New Testament or
any early Christian writings. Surely, given the desire for miraculous proof of
the divine nature of Jesus, such a relic would have rated a mention? The image
on the cloth would presumably have been at its brightest and most obvious. So
why don't the gospels, who mentioned the linen used to wrap the body, bother to
mention this miraculous image? The most obvious answer is that you can't write
about an image that isn't there.
• The image on the shroud has his hands neatly folded across his genitals. A
real body lying limp could not have this posture. Your arms are not long enough
to cross your hands over your pelvis while keeping your shoulders on the floor.
To achieve this the body can not lie flat, yet Jewish burial tradition did not
dictate that a body must be hunched up so as to cover the genitals before
wrapping in the shroud. The most obvious answer is that the artist knew the
image would be displayed and didn't want to offend his audience or have to guess
what the genitals of Jesus would look like. A dead body wrapped from head to toe
in an opaque cloth wouldn't be concerned with modesty since he wasn't actually
naked. He was well covered.
• The Vatican, the one organisation with a vested interest in its authenticity, refuses to say the shroud is authentic. The Vatican has performed more tests on it than any other group, it has more documentary evidence on its history than any other group and it also has the Pope, God's representative here on earth. Surely he could ask God if it's a fake? Perhaps he has. Perhaps the Vatican's silence on this matter is telling? Actually Pope John Paul II is on record as saying, "The Church has no specific competence to pronounce on these questions. She entrusts to scientists the task of continuing to investigate". Say what now? "No specific competence" to have an opinion on the origin of a dirty piece of cloth, but you can't shut them up regarding the origin of the universe and life. The conservative Catholic Encyclopedia actually argues that the shroud is probably not authentic.
Now to the popular arguments that shroud proponents use, with a brief reason why
I believe they fail.
Weak evidence put forward for the authenticity of the shroud:
• 'The shroud's image appears to show a crucified man'. This is true, but then
magicians appear to cut people in half too. Appearances can be deceptive. Even
if this was truly a crucified man, there is no way you could prove it was Jesus.
• 'There is the exact number of lashes from a whipping on the back as stated in
the Bible'. Nowhere in the Bible is the number of lashes that Jesus received
mentioned. Thus it is impossible to say that the shroud wounds match that of
Jesus. This is pure invention.
• 'The image on the shroud matches the Biblical account of Jesus' crucifixion'.
As detailed above, the Bible completely conflicts with the shroud image, so use
of this argument is dishonest.
• 'We can also see a large blood stain and elliptical wound on the person's
right side (remember, in a negative imprint left and right are reversed)'. No,
they're not. Left and right are reversed in a mirror image, but not in a
negative image. This confusion aside, the Bible says that Jesus was pierced with
a spear, but it does not say which side. Thus arguments that attempt to say it
does and that this matches the shroud are false.
• 'The shroud shows one wound in the wrist, not the hand. Research has show that
this is correct since nails through the hands would not have been able to
support a body on the cross. Medieval artisans would not have known this'. It is
pure arrogance to assume that medieval artisans wouldn't have known this. They
were a lot closer to crucifixion times than we are. Even though artists
generally painted Jesus with nails through the hands, they were probably just
depicting what was described in the Bible. If the shroud is correct about the
wrist, then the Bible is wrong. An authentic shroud means a false Bible.
Remember also that artists always depicted Jesus with his genitals covered (and
Adam and Eve with fig leaves) when everyone agrees that they were naked.
• 'The shroud image is naked, as Jesus would have been, whereas medieval
artisans never depicted Jesus naked'. This is true, but as discussed above, the
image hides his nudity by adopting an unnatural posture. He is effectively
clothed, whereas a dead body wrapped from head to toe in an opaque cloth
wouldn't be concerned with modesty.
• 'The image of the shroud obviously portrays Jesus'. Rubbish. No one has any
idea what Jesus actually looked like. The Bible contains no hints — short, tall,
fat, skinny, long hair, bald etc. No details at all, so how can anyone say that
an image resembles him? A dishonest argument.
• 'The apparent bloodstains contain real human blood'. This is contradicted by
other scientists who insist that all the forensic tests specific for blood, and
only blood, have failed. While there are traces of iron, proteins and porphyrins
which are found in blood, these are also found in artists' pigments. However, as
already stated, there is no trace of sodium, chlorine or potassium, which blood
contains in high amounts and which would have been present if the stains were
truly blood. It's also important to realise that even if there was blood on the
shroud, whose blood was it? How old is it? Medieval perhaps? The existence of
blood proves nothing as we don't know Jesus' blood group nor do we have a sample
of his DNA to compare it with.
• 'Pollen from Palestine is found on the shroud'. This claim has been
discredited as "fraud" and "junk science". The person who originally claimed to
have found the pollen on the Shroud was Max Frei, a Swiss criminologist. However
the pollens were very suspicious, as pollen experts quickly pointed out. First
of all, they were missing the most obvious pollen you would expect, which would
be from olive trees. 32 of the 57 pollens allegedly found by Frei are from
insect-pollinated plants and could not have been wind-blown onto the exposed
shroud in Palestine. Similar samples taken by STURP in 1978 had comparatively
few pollens. Also cloth was often brought to medieval Europe from Palestine, so
there is no strong support even if pollen was found.
• 'Coins dated to the early 1st century are seen over the eyes of the shroud
image'. This claim was originally made by Father Francis Filas after examining a
1931 photograph, yet the coins can't be seen in better quality 1978 photos. We
are expected to believe that poor quality photos showed not just coins, but
enough detail to determine when they were minted. Another problem with the coins
is explaining why they were placed on the eyes. There was no such Jewish custom
in 1st century Palestine. The claim of some believers to see coins must be
weighed against the claim of others to also see nails, a spear, a sponge on a
reed, a crown of thorns, a hammer, scourges, tongs, dice, flowers etc on the
shroud. Even most shroud researchers reject these claims as simply an example of
an overactive imagination, as do I.
• 'STURP scientists authenticated the shroud'. Unfortunately almost all of those
that made up this group were deeply religious, and many were not specialised in
the field they investigated. The group consisted of 40 US scientists, made up of
39 devout believers and 1 agnostic. The makeup of this group is stacked and very
biased towards authenticating the shroud, and therefore their claims must be
taken with an extremely large grain of salt. In fact the STURP scientists made
some of their "authenticity" statements that people quote from the media before
they had even examined the shroud. However they were unable to date the shroud.
Even if their conclusions, given the scientific tools they had available at the
time (1978), were beyond reproach, science has advanced greatly since then.
Carbon dating in 1988, a more invasive and accurate test, dated the shroud to
between 1260 and 1390 CE. STURP's results have been superseded. That is the
nature of science.
• 'The shroud contains a negative of the image, and medieval artisans knew
nothing of photography'. The shroud image is NOT a true photographic negative
but only an apparent one — a faux-photographic negative. The "positive" image
shows a figure with white hair and beard, the opposite of what would be expected
for a Palestinian Jew in his thirties. Medieval artisans need know nothing of
photography since it's not photographic.
• 'It's impossible to reproduce an image with shroud-like qualities'. False. Joe
Nickell constructed one using a rubbing technique on a bas-relief model, using
the pigments, tools and techniques available in the Middle Ages. The statement
that we cannot make such an image is simply false propaganda. Faux-negative
images are automatically produced by an artistic rubbing technique. Also as
noted in the following section of this article, scientist Luigi Garlaschelli
made a very convincing reproduction of the shroud in 2009.
• 'The image contains 3D information'. The quality of this information is often
exaggerated or misinterpreted. Also if the image was produced using a bas-relief
method, 3D information would be expected.
• There are no brush strokes on the image'. Probably true, but if the image was
produced by rubbing as for a bas-relief, then there wouldn't be.
• 'The blood flows and anatomical details are accurate and beyond the knowledge
of medieval artisans'. On the contrary, as described above, there are serious
anatomical problems with the image. Also as detailed above, the blood flows are
completely unrealistic. Blood does not flow from a corpse and real blood spreads
in cloth and mats in hair. Also medieval artisans would have been intimately
familiar with blood and dead bodies compared to the sheltered life that we in
the 21st century lead. The Black Death occurred during the 14th century so blood
and death would have surrounded those living during this time.
• References to the shroud can be found prior to the Middle Ages'. This claim
usually refers to the 'Image of Edessa', a holy relic allegedly found in 554 CE
in Edessa. It was a square or rectangle of cloth on which it was alleged the
face of Jesus was imprinted. Some try to claim that the shroud and the 'Image of
Edessa' are one and the same. Yet it did not contain a full body image, only the
face, and this legend actually began when Jesus was still alive, so it can't be
referring to the shroud. Another image in the Hungarian Pray Manuscript is
equally problematic. There are no reputable shroud references that don't
conflict with what we know about the shroud, prior to 1355 CE.
I have summarised the evidence both for and against the shroud's authenticity. I conclude that the weight and strength of evidence against the shroud's authenticity is overwhelming, whereas the evidence supporting the shroud is almost non-existence, and circumstantial at best.
by John L Ateo and Rachel C