Catholic baptism uses oaths and spiritual threats on a baby. People forget that baptism seeks to impose a fealty on the baby. The baby is required to commit to the Catholic version of Jesus in practice what the Church thinks he stands for. If it is true that in the eyes of God the baby has chosen this then in principle if a baby could un-choose it he or she would be damned. If the parents and godparents choose faith for the baby, what if they are insincere? What if they can un-choose for the baby later?
If that is not bad enough wait until you hear what the church thinks lives inside the unbaptised.
This is the translation of Roman Catholic exorcism rites inflicted upon babies before baptism. They fell out of use in 1969.
Go forth from him (her), unclean spirit, and give place to the
Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
I exorcise thee, unclean spirit, in the name of the Father + and of
the Son, + and of the Holy + Spirit, that thou goest out and depart
from this servant of God, N. For He commands Thee, accursed one, Who
walked upon the sea, and stretched out His right hand to Peter about
to sink. Therefore, accursed devil, acknowledge thy sentence, and
give honor to the living and true God: give honor to Jesus Christ
His Son, and to the Holy Spirit; and depart from this servant of
God, N. because God and our Lord Jesus Christ hath vouchsafed to
call him (her) to His holy grace and benediction and to the font of
And this sign of the holy Cross, which we make upon his (her)
forehead, do thou, accursed devil, never dare to violate. Through
the same Christ our Lord.
I exorcise thee, every unclean spirit, in the name of God the Father
+ Almighty, in the name of Jesus + Christ, His Son, our Lord and
Judge, and in the power of the Holy + Spirit, that thou be depart
from this creature of God N, which our Lord hath deigned to call
unto His holy temple, that it may be made the temple of the living
God, and that the Holy Spirit may dwell therein. Through the same
Christ our Lord, who shall come to judge the living and the dead,
and the world by fire!
COMMENT: This is pure religious extremism and based on the view that every person until baptised is harbouring demons. No self-respecting Jew or Muslim would convert to such a faith to be subjected to that! Remember the rites may be gone but the principle remains. A milder prayer for keeping demons out is said in the current rite of baptism. No genuine parent subjects their child to such nonsense.
Note that the demon is prayed to. It gets a grudging form of worship, "You keep God out so go away and let this person become the temple of God." It would be flattered at being considered so great.
The rite used to be a test. If the baby went frantic it could be considered incurably possessed and drowned.