The Mormon faith is a hoax
Joseph Smith despite saying he translated the Book of Mormon by a miracle of God deceivingly put in alterations to the text years later. This faith has resurrected men, eg Peter, James, John and the non-existent Moroni appearing in visions. Like with early Christianity, it stole from writers and plagiarised existing scriptures to create new sacred texts. This faith is absolute proof that better and more daring frauds than Christianity can happen and can succeed. Both faiths are guilty of using a fake translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint.
Accounts of Translation of Book of Mormon
An argument concerning how women could testify if Jesus rose
Anachronisms in Book of Mormon that refute its ancient origin
Another Joseph Smith complete with "ancient" plates
Answer to supposed evidences for the Book of Mormon
Archaeology and Science Against Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon delivers evil teachings
Book of Mormon infallibly translated by God???
Book of Mormon is a fake abridgement
Book of Mormon is fiction at best and lies at worst
Book of Mormon is from man not God
Book of Mormon lacks credibility
Book of Mormon language problems shows it is a fake
Book of Mormon text is stolen from other authors
Booklet makes mistake of saying historicity of Book of Mormon has support
Books on the dubious Book of Mormon witnesses
Charles Anthon and Book of Mormon and Smith as spin-doctor
Charles Anthon letters showing the Book of Mormon was a fraud
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints refuted
Cognitive Dissonance and Religion
Computer tests to see how many authors Book of Mormon had
Evidence for the Mormon Faith being from God
False Prophecy in Book of Mormon shows it is not from God
First Vision of Joseph Smith when he saw God and Jesus!
Golden plates of Book of Mormon were mythical
How did Smith find the Golden Plates?
Howe's testimonials that Mormonism was a hoax by a fake prophet
Is it possible that Smith did not translate the Book of Mormon right?
Is Mormonism distorting the doctrine of creation?
Israelites were in ancient America according to Mormon Scriptures
Joseph Smith and his lying production of the Book of Abraham
Joseph Smith boasts that he is better than Jesus
Joseph Smith was not getting messages from God
Kinderhook plates, fake prophet Joseph Smith called them genuine!
Magic glasses from God fail to translate Book of Mormon!
Mormon baptism is void and harmful in Catholic eyes
Mormon God is not wholly trustworthy!
Mormon Prophet Smith had criminal record for religious fakery
Mormonism is a false religion that deliberately lies to people
Mormonism is steeped in the occult and has sanctioned dark rites
Mormons and unforgiveable sins
Moroni or Nephi? Who supposedly appeared to Smith?
Only hoaxers engineered and produced the Book of Mormon
Questions for a Mormon Bishop that show the religion is nonsense
Smith's discarded scripture, Book of Commandments refutes his prophethood
Talmage, Mormonism a Marvellous Work?
The attempt to sue the Mormon Prophet for fraud
The Community of Christ, Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Koran and Book of Mormon condemn Christian baptism
The New Mormon Challenge book challenges the Mormon "God"
The New Mormon Challenge deserves a positive review
Visions or shadows, the fake revelations of Joseph Smith
Was the Early Church Mormon? No!
When God lost his own word with many pages of Book of Mormon!
When Joseph Smith "revealed" there were men on the moon
Witnesses to Book of Mormon Examined