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A blood test on the Turin Shroud
A favorite argument for Jesus and his resurrection
A law of nature is not a real law but something you know will happen
A Rabbi tells us what the Sin of Sodom really was
Accounts of Translation of Book of Mormon
Adele Brisse alleged visionary of Our Lady of Good Help
An argument concerning how women could testify if Jesus rose
Anachronisms in Book of Mormon that refute its ancient origin
Ancient Coins on the Turin Shroud are imagined
Another Joseph Smith complete with "ancient" plates
Answer to supposed evidences for the Book of Mormon
Archaeology and Science Against Book of Mormon
Archbishop Pio Bello Ricardo approves visions of Betania
Arguing that praying for troubled works in contraries, brings more evil on them?
Asmodeus the demon in Catholic Scripture, Book of Tobit
Assessing: Bayes theorem may allow for the return of Jesus to life?
At best we should suspend judgement on Jesus' alleged burial
Atheist scholar on the Hume case versus miracles
Belgian Miracle at the so-called Belgian Lourdes
Belief in Miracles downgrades human dignity
Best Anti-Miracle Belief Arguments
Best argument against miracle credibility is distorted by Christians
Bishops warn of disobedience of following visions of Medjugorje
Book of Mormon delivers evil teachings
Book of Mormon infallibly translated by God???
Book of Mormon is a fake abridgement
Book of Mormon is fiction at best and lies at worst
Book of Mormon is from man not God
Book of Mormon lacks credibility
Book of Mormon language problems shows it is a fake
Book of Mormon text is stolen from other authors
Book Review: Wilcox Truth about Shroud of Turin
Booklet makes mistake of saying historicity of Book of Mormon has support
Books on the dubious Book of Mormon witnesses
Can a traumatised mind create stigmata pains and marks?
Can Bible ethics support science and teach it?
Can science resurrect me from the dead?
Can we learn anything from miracles?
Carbon dating refutes the authenticity of the Turin Shroud
Catholic Church has double-standard when assessing miracles
Charles Anthon and Book of Mormon and Smith as spin-doctor
Charles Anthon letters showing the Book of Mormon was a fraud
Christian hyper-defender McDowell debunks shroud of Turin
Christian must think depression could be a god-shaped hole
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints refuted
Church of Scientology and Hubbard make invalid claims
Cognitive Dissonance and Religion
Comprehensive refutation of believability of miracles
Computer tests to see how many authors Book of Mormon had
Confronting creationist ideology and harms
Could women witness to the empty tomb and risen Jesus?
CS Lewis the Christian needs this criticism of his book Miracles
Cult known as the Church of Christ
David Hume and the Superstition of Miracles
David Hume warns against accepting miracle stories easily
Daydreaming Jesus back from the dead?
Debunking the view that I experience my free will
Deceptions around the visions of Guadalupe
Did Jesus predict that he would NOT rise?
Distant Image on Turin Shroud for there should be smudging
Do Miraculous Claims need Miraculous Evidence?
Download free pdfs refuting religious and superstitious lies
Established facts cannot really make way for Jesus having risen?
Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano can't be the rotting remains of Jesus?
Eucharistic miracles are nonsense
Evidence for the Mormon Faith being from God
Exorcising Medjugorje which is suspected by some of demonic activity
Exorcists are potential abusers
Faith and hope and why miracles raise concerns for them
Faith healing pollutes medical science
Faith in miracles is just faith in men
False Prophecy in Book of Mormon shows it is not from God
Fatima, Lucia and the Consecration of Russia
First Vision of Joseph Smith when he saw God and Jesus!
Garabandal apparitions tale hides a lot of scandal and lying
Gassner was a notorious Catholic exorcist who is worth exploring
God theory incoherently says evil is a void and is not real
Golden plates of Book of Mormon were mythical
Gothic art and how it overthrows the Turin Shroud
Holy Lies about Lourdes where Mary supposedly appeared
How did Smith find the Golden Plates?
How useful to historians are the gospels?
Howe's testimonials that Mormonism was a hoax by a fake prophet
Human nature complicates its hedonism to deny being hedonistic
Hungarian Codex doesn't depict the Shroud of Turin
Incorrupt bodies happen in non-religious contexts too
Incredibly, miracles and belief in them supports atheism!
Inside the Catholic doctrine that unbaptised are demonised
Is Christian Science scripture Science and Health nonsense?
Is it possible that Smith did not translate the Book of Mormon right?
Is Mormonism distorting the doctrine of creation?
Is prayer asking for a secret miracle?
Is resurrection of Jesus a good doctrine?
Is resurrection of the human race a wholesome hope?
Is there blood on the Shroud of Turin? Is it Jesus'?
Israelites were in ancient America according to Mormon Scriptures
It could have been Jesus' shroud!
It is untrue that anybody reliably found risen Jesus had a body
Jesus as an exorcist and a fanatic
Jesus' burial cloth would not have passed to the disciples
Jesus's resurrection was not the only alleged resurrection
Joe Nickell on Padre Pio's seeming tricks
Joseph Smith and his lying production of the Book of Abraham
Joseph Smith boasts that he is better than Jesus
Joseph Smith was not getting messages from God
Kinderhook plates, fake prophet Joseph Smith called them genuine!
Lanciano Legend and why there is no history behind alleged miracle
Lie: Only a philosophy, not science says a miracle is unscientific
Links to sites refuting religion and its dubious miracles
Lunn a Catholic's thoughts on miracles answered
Lying miracle of the undecayed corpse of Pope John XXIII
Magic glasses from God fail to translate Book of Mormon!
Making the Turin Shroud and how was it done?
Marco the painter painted the fake miracle picture of Guadalupe
Media refutes the magical claims made about Padre Pio
Medical on corpse of St Bernadette and the feigned miracle
Miracle believers have only ad hominem attacks for critics
Miracle claim can be refuted by damning minor details
Miracle claims are not acceptable to the true historian
Miracles are intrinsically improbable
Miracles as signs? Why are so many of them so weak then?
Miracles cannot be falsified and why that matters
Miracles do not happen in the way a cat does not have pups
Miracles evidence too hard to assess and it is not for the layperson
Miracles guilty of fraud or error until proven innocent
Miracles have been shot to death by the silver bullet?
Miracles in the Light of Science
Moralists never agree with themselves nor morality with itself
More Tricks, Religion treats provisional testimony as last word
Mormon baptism is void and harmful in Catholic eyes
Mormon God is not wholly trustworthy!
Mormon Prophet Smith had criminal record for religious fakery
Mormonism is a false religion that deliberately lies to people
Mormonism is steeped in the occult and has sanctioned dark rites
Mormons and unforgiveable sins
Moroni or Nephi? Who supposedly appeared to Smith?
Naturalism and miracles and religion
Neuroscience is claimed to refute free will
No miracle should be declared probable without hard evidence
Objections to the D'Arcis memorandum
One violation of nature overthrows all natural law
Only hoaxers engineered and produced the Book of Mormon
Our Lady of the Golden Heart Beauraing Belgium
Padre Pio is declared a saint when he was far from a saint
Padre Pio's dubious stigmata in pictures
Padre Pio's fake attempts to hide stigmata
People only assume that an event is a miracle
Photos of allegedly incorrupt bodies
Pray for your enemies and those who persecute you
Prayer and its alleged power to protect from temptation
Prayer and the idea that it is absolutely needed to get eternal happiness?
Prayer does not show trust in God!
Prayer for others is untestable and thus a lie
Prayer in schools is wrong when they are state-funded
Prayer is degrading submission to God
Prayer is feeling good about doing nothing
Prayer is never answered except in our imagination
Prayer is toxic and yet we pray for evil people!
Prayer seeks the grace of being able to pry
Praying for another is about wanting the reward of self-approval
Praying for somebody is selfish
Praying is lack of trust in yourself & your abilities
Problems with prayers of praise
Professor Lennox's lies in the service of Christianity
Querying miracles on basis that they are necessary evils?
Querying the Catholic notion of demons needing casting out
Question about what matters, miracle factuality or significance?
Questioning CS Lewis on miracles
Questioning the cures of Lourdes
Questioning the Shroud of Turin
Questioning the shroud rather than debunking
Questions for a Mormon Bishop that show the religion is nonsense
Questions on how the Shroud Image was made
Reading signs and wonders into coincidences
Real secularism is founded on science
Religion delays belief in science when it dislikes its findings
Religion paints science as deadly as itself
Robert De Clari and the shroud of Turin
Roman Catholic exorcism ritual
Salvator Mundi indicates that Leonardo was behind shroud image
Science and miracles, why science rejects the possibility
Science and Religion can never be friends
Science contradicts God by saying he may be hypothetically false
Science is about the natural and thus ignores supernaturalism
Science is against religion and the Bible on free will
Science opposes all faith not just religious faith
Science Speaks by Stoner and Newman is a pack of lies
Scientific proof that there was a Jesus?
Scientism is a derogatory term for science religion doesn't like
Secrets of the Dead and the question of the Turin Shroud
Should Bible be interpreted to fit and teach science?
Shroud makes out Jesus was buried alive!
Shroud of Turin attracts mystery mongering
Skeptics are empowered by Turin Shroud photos
Skepticism of miracles and magic is supported by photos
Smith's discarded scripture, Book of Commandments refutes his prophethood
Solar miracle at Fatima and the photos
Stigmata replicated? Dr Lechler
straightdope on Jesus and the Shroud
Sudarium is a blood splattered cloth that allegedly backs up Shroud
Suggestions on how to make the Turin Shroud image
Talmage, Mormonism a Marvellous Work?
The attempt to sue the Mormon Prophet for fraud
The best arguments for Jesus being alive are terrible
The Bible is too disinterested in whether Jesus rose bodily
The bishops who exposed the Turin Shroud as fake
The burial of Jesus is hearsay even if you go by the gospels
The Case Against Miracles gives us warnings about Christian lies
The Case for Easter, does it show us Jesus probably rose?
The Community of Christ, Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The early Christian view that the general resurrection was past
The fanaticism of praying for protection
The imagined link between prayer and therapy
The irresponsible fraud-ridden religion of Spiritualism
The Koran and Book of Mormon condemn Christian baptism
The lie that witnesses of the first easter died for their testimony
The most famous relic ever, the Turin Shroud
The New Mormon Challenge book challenges the Mormon "God"
The New Mormon Challenge deserves a positive review
The notion that thoughts become real is an attack on science
The outrageous claim that there is writing on the Turin Shroud
The pollen on the Turin Shroud does not authenticate it
The religious scepticism of Hume is valid and commonsense
The resurrection of Jesus is mere speculation not a belief
The resurrection of Jesus was a ruse
The Second Face on the Shroud of Turin
The Selfless Gene by Charles Foster
The stigmata is evidence against miracles as signs from God
The view that Jesus is not the shroud man is plausible
There is no argument from design for it is mere opinion
To refute Ian Wilson is to refute the Shroud of Turin
Top authority versus the Fatima sun miracle
Top of head missing on Turin cloth so it is a fake relic
Turin Shroud and the lie that only today's science could make it
Turin Shroud contradicts New Testament data
Turin Shroud could be a painting or the remains of one
Turin Shroud if true means resurrection of Jesus is untrue
Turin shroud image too strong and muscled to be Jesus
Turin Shroud is claimed by some to be an early photograph
Turin Shroud is confirmed as fake
Turin Shroud Man didn't rot so he was not Jesus
Turin Shroud man was decapitated ergo he was not Jesus
Turin Shroud the strange three-dimensional effect is exaggerated
Veridical hallucinations might explain risen Jesus visions
Vile idea that sceptics in the lab magically ruin tests on "psychics"
Virgin of the Poor apparition at Banneux Belgium
Visions or shadows, the fake revelations of Joseph Smith
Visit me today for I can free you from religious untruths
Walter McCrone says Turin Shroud is a painting
Was Jesus fatally wounded in the side?
Was shroud painted but not with normal paint?
Was the blood picture on the Turin Shroud printed on?
Was the Early Church Mormon? No!
Was the Resurrection a Legend?
Waxwork, St Bernadette of Lourdes is not a incorrupt corpse
We strive to feel good and exploit morality to disguise it
What does science have to say about the meaning of life?
When God lost his own word with many pages of Book of Mormon!
When Joseph Smith "revealed" there were men on the moon
When Prayer is Listening to God!
Where was the Shroud of Turin in the first millenium? Ans: nowhere!
Why miracles lead to sceptics being called harmful
Why paradoxes are religion's downfall
Why science can't at least say miracles might occur
Why your God belief says all about you and nothing about God
Witnesses to Book of Mormon Examined
Wounds depicted on Shroud contradict the gospels
MAIN PAGES debunking Jesus Christ disproving that science complements religion Disproving the divine origin of Mormonism disproving the goodness of prayer disproving the miracle Shroud of Turin shows why it is unreasonable to affirm miracles versus alleged supernatural events like Lourdes